Huge sinkhole appeared in the center of Guatemala! Is it really the gateway to the legendary underworld?-HN

Guatemala City – On a mysterious day, a giant sinkhole suddenly appeared in the center of Guatemala City, considered a challenging phenomenon for modern science. Discovered on the morning of December 23, this sinkhole quickly attracted the attention of researchers and international media thanks to its scale and depth.

The sinkhole, which is estimated to have a diameter of approximately 25 meters and a depth that is difficult to measure, swallowed part of the residential area and neighboring structures. The vertical structure of the hole is reminiscent of the entrances to the underworld of mystery.

Immediately after the news spread, a team of experts was convened. To verify the cause and true scale, scientists used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) equipment and self-propelled optical devices. Initial results suggest that the hole is connected to a previously unexplored cave system.

Scientists believe that the cause of this sinkhole is due to the weak soil structure because it is located on a layer of easily soluble limestone. Some theories consider the possibility of seismic activity in the area or the impact of groundwater weakening the structure.

But some of the researchers refer to myths that have existed for a long time in Guatemalan culture. According to ancient Mayan legend, the sinkhole could be the entrance to Xibalbá, the legendary underworld where ancient souls and gods reside.

Hundreds of people have been evacuated from the danger zone as experts continue to assess the potential risk. Meanwhile, initial reports about the underground structure are not enough to answer all the mysteries surrounding this sinkhole.

Có thể là hình ảnh về miệng núi lửa và văn bản

Questions like “Is this a natural effect or is it due to some other mysterious cause?” and “Is it a bridge to the mythical underworld?” Still waiting for a response in the near future.

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