In a bold move, CBS has announced its latest daytime talk show, featuring two prominent conservative voices, Megyn Kelly and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. The new program is set to compete directly with ABC’s long-running and highly successful talk show The View. CBS is betting on the appeal of strong, conservative women to carve out a space in the competitive world of daytime television.
The show, which remains untitled for now, will bring Kelly and Hasselbeck together in what CBS promises will be a platform for thoughtful discussion, lively debates, and a focus on women’s empowerment. The network aims to offer an alternative perspective to the more liberal-leaning The View, which has dominated the daytime talk show landscape for over two decades.
Megyn Kelly, a former Fox News anchor and NBC host, is known for her no-nonsense approach and willingness to tackle tough subjects. Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a former The View co-host and outspoken conservative, has a proven track record of representing right-leaning viewpoints in a largely liberal environment. Together, the two are expected to bring a fresh dynamic to CBS’s new show, engaging a wider range of viewers who feel underrepresented by current daytime offerings.
In a statement, CBS executives said, “America is ready to welcome strong, conservative women who are unapologetically true to their beliefs. We’re excited to create a platform where diverse voices can have meaningful discussions that resonate with viewers.”
The announcement has sparked anticipation and debate. Supporters of Kelly and Hasselbeck applaud CBS for giving a voice to conservative women, while critics worry the show could deepen the political divide in the media landscape. Either way, the new show is poised to shake up the daytime talk show format and provide viewers with a new, bold alternative to The View.