RAW debuted on Netflix Monday with the return of Hulk Hogan, who got heavily booed by the audience. A Hulk Hogan fan made a controversial comment linking the booing and the California wildfires. Several WWE stars and celebrities have spoken out about the wildfires and offered support. The fires have caused significant damage and loss of life in California.
Monday night saw the debut of RAW on Netflix, an event that has been anticipated by fans for a while now. It also saw the return of one very controversial WWE legend – Hulk Hogan, who was mainly there to promote the “Real American Beer.” Unfortunately, the segment featuring him during the event was a disaster, as he got heavily booed by the audience. The event happened in Los Angeles, California, which is currently being ravaged by wildfires. And if you’re asking what these two very different events have in common, well, you’d have to ask the Hulkster’s fans about that.
In a wild turn of events, a fan of Hulk Hogan made a bizarre comment about the WWE Hall of Famer getting booed by fans in LA. The RAW on Netflix debut episode was filmed in Innuit Dome in Los Angeles, which aired last Monday. Coincidentally, Tuesday saw the first strokes of the now wildfires that are ravaging the state of California.
And somehow, a fan of the Hulkster has made a connection between the two.
Los Angeles boo’s @HulkHogan on Monday Night Raw. And On Tuesday the whole city burns. Coincidence? I Think Not! That’s what they get!”
To compare these two events, and pointing at one as the reason for the other, even as sarcasm, is in poor taste, as minimum six different fires are completely destroying LA County at the moment.
The Hall of Famer himself said he was 50/50 going into the event as the audience would be mainly from LA – mostly Liberals. Whereas he has been a staunch supporter of Donald Trump – the Republican candidate who won the Presidential race this time. Hulk having promoted and cheered Trump loudly would not sit well with the Democrats, and thus a Blue state like California would share in that sentiment.
The wildfires have been devastating for the state of California, with currently five people dead due to the fires. Los Angeles has been badly effected, and many celebrities have been posting about it – either information regarding shelters or other resources, or praying for those affected by it. Many WWE stars have also posted on their socials about the ongoing tragedy, including the Bella Twins, Nikkita Lyons, Bayley, and Cathy Kelley.
The Bella Twins wrote: