Canine Chameleon: A Pooch’s Purr-fect Transformation into a Feline Friend

Friendship between animals always amazes us! And especially the friendship of furry creatures who are supposedly incompatible according to stereotypes. But even a cat and a dog can become the best of friends, and grow to be soul mates. Such is the case with our characters.

A female pit bull called Willow lives happily with her owners in the USA. She has a best friend who is a cat. Although such a friendship is atypical between cats and dogs, these guys grew up together, and upends all stereotypes. In Willow’s opinion, she and a cat named Percy are exactly the same.

A dog who grew up among cats considers itself to be one of them

The couple do everything together, from eating together to running around the house. During her time living with the cat, Willow has come to think of herself as a cat. She even occasionally climbs her friend’s cat tree to be close to him. The owners adore their furry friend – and are only too happy to have such a strong friendship between them.

A dog who grew up among cats considers itself to be one of them

The family rescued Willow from the shelter in 2020 when she was just nine weeks old. A little later they welcomed Percy, a cat, into the family as well. They also have two cats and a Chihuahua, but only Willow and Percy have a strong friendship. They get on well with other animals, but spend more time in each other’s company.

A dog who grew up among cats considers itself to be one of them

“A week after we took Willow in, we started noticing that she was adopting some cat habits. She was jumping on the windowsill and on the cat tree. She was a bit afraid at first and we had to help her to jump down, but soon she began to jump up and down on her own without any problem,” said the owner. That’s how the pit bull, who grew up around cats, also became a bit of a ‘cat’.

A dog who grew up among cats considers itself to be one of them

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