Explore Natural Wonders: The Extraordinary Charm of Elephants With Their Sparkling Eyelashes and Gorgeous Toenails.dieuy

On the evening of May 3, 2021, a distress call came from the Chyulu Hills about a female elephant suffering from a severely injured hind leg. The rugged terrain had trapped her, causing her immense pain as she struggled to move.

Adding to the tragedy, this elephant was a mother of two calves—one still nursing and the other around seven years old.


Stranded on the barren lava slopes and separated from their herd due to a lack of water, the elephants were left with only two adult bulls for protection, a common scenario in such dire circumstances.

The SWT/KWS Amboseli Mobile Veterinary Unit quickly arrived to assess the critical situation.


Despite their best efforts, euthanasia was determined to be the most compassionate choice. A rescue operation was set in motion under difficult circumstances.

To aid in the rescue, expert Nursery Keepers arrived at the Ol Donyo airstrip via a Cessna Caravan and approached the elephants with the support of a helicopter. The adult bulls were carefully moved away to allow for a smooth rescue operation.

The situation became even more complex when the younger calf, too heavy for traditional transport methods, had to be lifted onto a stretcher with great care. Sadly, euthanasia was the only humane solution for the suffering mother.


Though they couldn’t save the mother, there was hope for her young calf, named Esoit. Left under the guardianship of the bulls, Esoit was expected to join a new herd eventually. Though separated from his older brother, this decision was made to meet his specific needs best.

Esoit’s name, derived from Esoitpuss, a local area known for its vultures, reflects his origins. Despite his initial injury, Esoit flourished in the Nursery, winning hearts with his endearing personality. He formed close bonds with his Keepers and became a lively and agile elephant.

Roho, another resident, quickly became a devoted friend, with their playful antics and intertwined trunks illustrating their strong bond.


Esoit’s journey, marked by his determination and the support he received, ensures he is well cared for.

While his lost mother cannot be replaced, the Nursery herd offers him the love and attention he needs. The ultimate aim is to reintroduce Esoit to his natural habitat when he is ready.



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