After Elon Musk took over Twitter, celebrities Gigi Hadid and Whoopi Goldberg decided to delete their Twitter accounts, sparking widespread attention in the media and among fans. Musk, the tech billionaire and CEO of Tesla, completed his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter in October 2022. However, his takeover has been highly controversial, raising concerns about the platform’s future direction under his leadership.
Gigi Hadid, a world-renowned supermodel, publicly announced her departure from Twitter, citing a significant shift in the platform’s atmosphere and content moderation policies. She expressed that Twitter was no longer a place she felt comfortable engaging with due to an increase in hate speech and misinformation. Hadid’s decision resonated with many of her followers, who had also noticed the changes on the platform since Musk’s acquisition.
Whoopi Goldberg, the iconic actress and co-host of “The View,” also decided to step away from Twitter. Goldberg explained that the platform had become increasingly toxic and that she no longer found value in participating in it. Her departure highlighted growing concerns among public figures about the potential impact of Musk’s ownership on the social media landscape.
These high-profile exits underscore a broader conversation about the role of social media platforms in shaping public discourse and the responsibilities of those who control them. As more celebrities and public figures reconsider their presence on Twitter, it raises important questions about the future of the platform and its influence on global communication.