In a groundbreaking move, Megyn Kelly and Candace Owens have signed a $400 million deal with CBS to launch a new morning show, setting the stage for a bold challenge to ABC’s long-running program, The View. The duo, both known for their conservative viewpoints and media presence, are set to lead what CBS describes as a “fresh and dynamic” take on morning television, offering a contrast to the more liberal-leaning conversations seen on The View.
Kelly, a former Fox News anchor and NBC host, and Owens, a political commentator and activist, are expected to bring strong personalities and diverse opinions to the table. CBS executives have positioned this show as a major shakeup in the morning TV landscape, with the aim of capturing audiences seeking alternative perspectives. While details about the show’s format are still emerging, it will reportedly feature a mix of political commentary, cultural discussions, and interviews with high-profile guests.
The $400 million deal is a significant investment by CBS, signaling the network’s belief that Kelly and Owens have the star power to compete with The View, which has dominated daytime TV for over two decades. The new program is being marketed as a space where viewers who feel alienated by mainstream narratives can find a voice.
This announcement comes at a time when debates about media representation, cancel culture, and political division are increasingly intense. Kelly and Owens, both outspoken critics of what they call “liberal bias” in the media, are expected to use the platform to challenge conventional wisdom and engage in spirited debates.
The show is set to premiere in early 2025, and industry insiders are already buzzing about its potential to disrupt the daytime talk show space. Whether it will dethrone The View remains to be seen, but the competition between the two shows is sure to generate significant attention.