(2) Richard Lawson Divorced Tina Knowles Over Beyonce Freakoffs? Tina KNEW? – YouTube

So it looks like Mama Tina no’s divorce from Richard Lawson is about to hit new levels of chaotic, because it seems like Richard Lawson just shaded her about Beyonce’s alleged freak offs in case y’all somehow missed it.

Richard and Tina’s divorce was finalized and settled a couple of weeks ago.

There have been reports of Bad Blood between them during the proceedings.

Now that the streets have tied Beyonce to did’s freak offs, it seems like Richard has been dropping some subtle hints about this all along, and it might have been the reason he divorced Tina, because he was not about to stick around when it all came crumbling down.

Y’all looks like Richard is speaking and he is spilling some spicy bruis of tea.

But if you’re wondering how Richard came to know all this tea, it’s because he has known Beyonce since she was literally a baby and she grew up calling him Uncle Richard.

He was more than her stepfather, so it kind of explains why she was comfortable enough to let her guard down around him.

Okay, So let me explain it from the start.

Tina and her first husband, Matthew, were married for over 30 years, but those three decades were far from perfect.

According to rumors, Matthew was unfaithful for much of their marriage, engaging in numerous Affairs when Beyonce Rose to start him.

One might expect Matthew to change his behavior.

However, the situation only worsened and he ended up fathering two children with different women around that same time.

Initially, Tina considered leaving Matthew after the first child was born, but ultimately chose to fight for their marriage.

However, the arrival of the second child was the breaking point for Tina, leading for her to file for divorce.

Now Beyonce supported her mother throughout the divorce proceedings and ended her professional relationship with Matthew, officially citing concerns over alleged theft as the reason.

However, many believe the underlying issue was Matthew’s betrayal of Tina.

Notably, Beyonce has never publicly acknowledged Matthew’s other children and clearly doesn’t care about them.

Well, Tina finalized her divorce from Matthew in late 2011, but her relationship with Richard didn’t begin until summer of 2013.

Interestingly, though, these two have been knowing each other for over 30 years and share a close friendship.

Richard’s sister, Gwyn, was actually Tina’s best friend.

They first met in 1981, when Tina visited Gwyn, and, interestingly enough, she was pregnant with Beyonce at the time.

Despite the circumstances, Richard reportedly developed strong feelings for Tina right away, even attempting to make a move.

Despite her being married and expecting, it seems Richard wasn’t afraid to take bold risks from the very beginning.

Buttina had to decline his advances quickly, not only because she was married, but also because Richard was married with the wife and child of his own.

However, even though Tina was not interested, Richard chose to remain in the friend zone, enduring the emotional strain of being in love with her.

From a distance to his, though, he maintained respect for Tina and never crossed any boundaries during her marriage with Matthew.

At least that’s the narrative Tina stuck with for a long time.

But you know how folks love to talk, and over the years there have been plenty of side eyes and whispers about what really went down.

Some people believe the reason Tina was so chill about Matthew’s cheating is that she might have been sneaking around with Richard on the low.

Well, that’s the tea anyway.

Well, according to Beyonce’s former vocal coach, David Brewer, Tina and Richard were allegedly smashing at the same time.

According to David Brewer, the marriage was super strained all the time because Matthew was allegedly into some illegal substances.

In his tell, all book he wrote turns out he had escalated to Stronger drugs and even stranger behaviors.

Rumor had it that Coca-Cola had long since stopped satisfying his thirst and had turned to crack Coca-Cola.

Well, David claimed that it was this drug habit that eventually LED Tina to start cheating on Matthew with nobody other than Richard Lawson, David wrote.

I soon discovered that, although Unhappily Married, Celestine was not suffering all by herself.

Going over to the main house to retrieve my keyboard one afternoon, I happened to upon Celestine kissing a man.

I recognized him immediately, Richard Lawson, a famous actor.

The startled Celestine had no choice but to introduce me, talk about awkward she was supposed to be at her Salon.

I extended my hand to Richard, telling him how much I admired his work.

He nodded: it’s a pleasure, he said.

After letting him out of the house, Celestine turned.

Richard is my cousin.

She said he’s on that stuff.

Well, after Tina split from Matthew, Richard didn’t waste any time trying to reach out again, eager to make his move.

It was quite remarkable, though, that this man waited a full 31 years for her marriage to end before trying to rekindle their connection.

However, Tina wasn’t initially receptive to his advances.

One reason for her hesitation was that Richard had fathered a child with another woman after his divorce from his first wife.

This was a result of a brief fling rather than a serious relationship.

Giv Tina’s messy history with Matthew, including his Fidelity and his love children.

It’s understandable that she might have some caution about getting involved with someone with a similar issue and likely wanted to avoid any potential drama.

Nevertheless, Richard was very persistent.

After two years of effort, he finally convinced Tina to give their relationship a chance and they begin dating in 2013.

The timing of this was interesting, though, because Tina finally said yes to Richard a few days after he found out that Matthew was getting married a second time.

According to an Insider, Richard has always suspected that the only reason Tina said yes to him was Matthew’s marriage.

She didn’t want people to think less of her, because her ex was getting married and she was still single and didn’t have a man.

Interestingly, though, she tried to play it off as her being traumatized by the marriage and that Richard was the one who saved her and helped her piece her heart back together again.

We became friends, and it hung out, and I supported her because she was going through a tough time with the divorce and the remarriage of her previous husband.

And um, we just took our time.

We became friends, we hung out, we traveled and, little by little, you know all the things that were naturally connective.

The connective tissue with us happened in a beautiful sort of evolution and things seemed to be going well for Tina and Richard.

Their relationship was light and enjoyable until Blue Ivy, then just a toddler, innocently asked when they were going to get married and in a Charming moment, Richard seized the opportunity to ask blue for her blessing to marry her grandmother.

Blue happily agreed, and both Richard an Tina took it as a sign from the universe.

Interestingly, though, they hadn’t even discussed marriage prior to that moment.

Yet just a year later, they found themselves walking down the aisle.

However, the situation took a puzzling turn.

After Tina married Richard, she retained Matthew’s last name, hyphenating it to become Tina nose Lawson.

Now many people have wondered why she didn’t simply drop the No Name.

Now that she was no longer married to Matthew, she likely wanted to keep that aspect of her identity, especially since both of her famous daughters still carry the No surname.

But everyone was genuinely rooting for Tina and Richard’s marriage.

After three decades of waiting, they had finally found each other and, let’s face it, they made an adorable couple.

They were often seen hand in hand and it was rare to spot one of them without the other at public events.

However, in 2018, things seemed to take a turn and the drama begin to unfold all online.

While appearing on a TV show together for black love, K made a surprising comment stating that Richard wasn’t perfect, and this remark sparked quite a bit of a buzz, leading people to speculate about what might have been happening behind the scenes.

As Tina appeared to be somewhat disrespectful during the interview, the comment raised eyebrows and left many people wondering about the Dynamics of their relationship.

Wanted, I prayed for the type of man I wanted, and I got pretty much.

That is he perfect?

Absolutely not, but you know he has a lot of the qualities.

No, he has a lot of the qualities that, uh, that I love and we’re having a really good time and I’m enjoying life.

So there is hope, withen.

Oh, and he was definitely not thrilled about that.

It wasn’t so much what Tina said, but how she said it, and you can just tell from the look on his face that he felt some type of way about it.

Ever since then, though, their marriage seemed to be hitting a rough patch.

The whole happy couple Vibe started to fizzle out, and divorce rumors started swirling even worse.

Tina was not remorseful about her comment, and she doubled down on it on social media.

She went as far as to shade on Instagram, saying I’m careful not to confuse Excellence with perfection.

Excellence I can reach, for Perfection is God’s business.

She also added the caption.

I came across this quote this morning and I could not agree more with Michael J fox.

I believe any human being who thinks that they are perfect or someone else could be perfect is delusional.

I believe that only God is perfect.

Well, fans began to take notice when Tina stopped posting pictures of herself with Richard on Instagram for several months.

The last time she shared anything featuring him was at a Vanity Fair Oscars party in March of the previous year, and things grew even more suspicious when Richard wasn’t invited to Jay-Z’s mom’s wedding, even though Tina attended.

That raised some significant red flags, as this was not the type of event that Richard would typically skip, leading fans to suspect that something was a Miss. well, the situation escalated further when Tina missed the screening of Richard’s movie Black tarot.

Observant fans also noticed that Richard wasn’t wearing his wedding ring, which is very unusual for him.

However, the biggest indicator that things had taken a serious turn was when Tina removed Richard’s last name from her Instagram Bio.

It previously read: Tina knows Lawson, but now it simply says Tina knows that was the moment when he realized that their marriage was truly over.

Well, the divorce was eventually finalized a couple of weeks ago and on the surface it looked amicable.

According to reports, Tina was awarded the right to keep a property in Los Angeles and a separate property in Texas, as well as all furniture, Furnishings, appliances, artwork and personal effects at both locations.

She also gets to all the earnings required since their date of separation and recreative works generated during their time together.

She also gets to keep a 2018 Tesla and a 2020 Bentley, The Matriarch book deal with Penguin Random House and a 1% interest in Kirby Beauty Management Llc.

Well, Richard was also awarded a 2021 Cadillac Escalade, the right to all earnings acquired since their date of a separation.

Funds acquired by Richard Lawson Studios Inc. his sag Pension Plan royalties, creative Works made during their Union and personal belongings, including clothing and jewelry- seems pretty normal right?

Well, not exactly.

Ca also included a gag order of sorts in the settlement and, according to reports, the former couple also agreed to a non-disparagement agreement in which they acknowledged their intent to resolve all issues and their dissolution amicably by agreeing to agree on any statements made about their divorce mutually and will not speak ill about their children, grandchildren and their spouses.

This had people wondering if Richard had seen some things during the marriage that could put Beyonce and Tina in trouble.

The fact that Tina went out of her way to include that Clause means that she was very paranoid that something was going to come out to make her look bad.

While they were married, Richard couldn’t testify against her because of spousal privilege, and now that they’re divorced, well, he could do whatever he wants.

So what exactly did he see?

Well, rumor has it that during their marriage, Richard allegedly found out that Tina and her husband, Matthew, pretty much sold Beyonce to Jay-Z. we first found out about their weird relationship when Beyonce’s former bodyguard revealed that Jay-Z allegedly keeps Beyonce drugged up, always to have her under his control.

See, hardly nobody knows.

But I’ll say it, man, yeah, Beyonce is on drugs.

She been on them for a long time and you keep her that way.

Then Jaguar right hopped in the conversation to pretty much confirm the bodyguards claims.

He’s a monster, and I’m knowing he’s a monster for he years.

Mhm, I wait a long time to see if he would grow a conscience, and the more drugs he pumps down his wife’s throat to keep her in.

No girl.

I tell you this right now, y’all talking about free Britney, y’all need to be doing a a campaign that say: fre Beyonce, the Beyonce is free.

She is a prisoner in a gilded cage.

Oh God.

No, if Beyonce is in prison, she’s in one of the most expensive prisons ever.

Yes, she is, and she’s watched 24 hours a day.

She’s not allowed to make a choice for herself.

Not at all, not in any way.

People think she has an amazing life.

She is told what to say.

She’s told what to eat.

She’s told what to drink.

She is told what to wear by who she is not.

She is not her husband ‘s wife, she is his employee.

It’s a business arrangement.

She was a Dar Jaguar, being who she is, took things further by claiming that Beyonce’s parents, especially her dad Matthew, knew all about Jay’s control.

It’s a business arrangement.

She was a diary.

He married her and he got to have control of the Houston rap scene behind the scenes.

Matthew Nos handed it over to him and then he over moved him out the way and took the whole itself.

Throughout this mess, many people have been asking: where was Beyonce’s mom and all of this, Giv Tina’s longstanding involvement in Beyonce’s career, dating back to the days of Destiny’s Child, where she was their costume designer.

It’s understandable why fans are curious about her role in all this

And why she let it go on for so long.

According to insiders, Tina did not view Jay-Z as being controlling over Beyonce.

Instead, she believes that a wife should be submissive to her husband as the head of the family, interpreting Jay-Z’s leadership as a natural part of their Dynamic.

Another Insider mentioned that Tina trusts Jay-Z to act in Beyonce’s best interest.

He has been in the industry longer than Beyonce.

He has a stronger understanding of the business side of things, which has allowed him to help her secure better deals and negotiate effectively.

The Insider claimed that Tina feels Jay-Z is not controlling or control freak, as Jaguar Wright suggested, but rather that he is simply taking charge of the head of the family, which Tina sees as the natural order of things.

Well, according to an Insider, Richard Lawson is now claiming that there was more to the divorce and the public knew, adding that he was the one walking out of the marriage.

However, he chose to let Tina file it because he wanted to save her from embarrassment.

The Insider claimed that Richard not only allegedly found out about Beyonce’s freak offs with Diddy, but that Tina allegedly knew about it and turned a blind eye to it.

It looks like Richard was right to be freaked out because lawyer Ariel Mitchell kid recently claimed that she was recently contacted by a client who wanted her to help broker the cell of a tape featuring one of the most prominent celebs in the industry.

Ariel claimed that the celebrity was clearly not aware that they were being filmed.

I also was just recently contacted by someone who wanted me to essentially represent them in the sale of one of the Diddy tapes.

So, um, which I declined that because, uh, wait a minute, say that again, say that again.

Back up, you’re saying that there’s tapes and they’re being shopped.

Yes, there have been people already shopping.

We’ve heard about the tapes, but the shopping thing is, yes, there already have been tapes.

Uh, leaking around Hollywood being Sho around to individuals in Hollywood.

But one particular person contacted me to shop a particular video they were in possession of and to contact the person who was in the video to see if they were interested in purchasing the video before it became a public.

I’ve heard this before.

So like a catch and kill, catch and kill, correct?

Wow, can you-

And I guess you can’t reveal the person who is on.

No, I can’t explain who the person was, but Mr Mr Colmes was in the tape and this other person is, I would venture to say, more high-profile than Mr Con.

Really really, and you’ve seen it.

I’ve seen Sks of the video.

Okay, um, I you can verify, I that it exists, that it’s real, that the other person in the video is very visible.

It’s no question if it’s that person in the video, and I can tell the video was pornographic in nature.

Oh my, all right.

So we know that he videotaped a lot of activities at his home, did he?

Um, and it sounds like there was probably a lot of hidden cameras as well.

Is that what is being talked about?

Yes, um, this was actually in his Atlanta home, at a home he had in Atlanta at one point.

And um, it does seem that it’s the person isn’t like looking into the video.

So it’s to me doesn’t seem like that person knows they’re being videotaped.

It doesn’t seem like they’re active participant in the videotaping, like they’re being surreptitiously recorded Mh, and it didn’t take long for fans to put two and two together and realize that the celebrity in question could be Beyonce.

I mean she is one of the very few celebrities bigger than Diddy in Hollywood


We all know how close she and her husband, Jay-Z, is to Diddy.

Earlier this year, Jagar Wght revealed that a tape of Beyonce in a compromising position was floating around.

She revealed that Beyonce had been secretly recorded because she had no idea that a camera was even in the room in the first place.

Because the Diddy, the Diddy, Diddy, Diddy, didy and turned over tapes, allegedly with the Carters, is some freak off and the and and the B and the Beyonce, how on the cocen and the tapes had jizz all over it.

Hold on y’all.

When I tell you that the fans are freaked out about this- they’ve been commenting.

All celebrities are involved-

I can’t believe people don’t think otherwise.

You can’t be in Diddy Circle for 30 years and not know or not be a part of it, because we know Diddy’s rules where, if you hung out, you participate or you are not hanging out.

Anyone who participated in or supported P’s freak off events or similar Behavior should be exposed and held accountable.

They must face consequences in a court of law ensuring that such actions are not tolerated.

Justice is essential for those harmed and for upholding ethical standards.

And just shut all the Hollywood down, including the sign y’all.

This situation is absolutely crazy, but do y’all believe Richard’s alleged claims, or do you think that he could still be salty because of the divorce?

Drop your thoughts in comments below and then check out this next video.

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