During the fierce Storm Ciara, a puzzling discovery emerged on a Scottish beach, leaving experts and onlookers perplexed. The enigmatic skeleton of an unknown creature washed up on the Aberdeenshire coastline amid the onslaught of 90mph winds and relentless rainfall.
After a photograph of the creature was shared on a Facebook page, numerous speculations flooded in from curious observers. Suggestions ranged from it being a whale or a dolphin, while others dismissed these notions due to the presence of distinct “horns” on the creature’s body. Some even proposed the intriguing possibility that it could be a thresher shark, a species occasionally encountered in British waters during the summer months. The true identity of this mysterious creature remains a captivating mystery, awaiting further investigation and expert analysis.
The intriguing beast was found on the Aberdeenshire coastline on Sunday as the country endured 90mph winds and torrential rain.